
The Top Tracks

by Trevor Toms

"Love", ambiguous, overused and misunderstood is at the heart of the tracks on this album. As a poet I strive to pull apart our words and feelings, searching for meaning, searching for truths. My lyrics carry through a variety of different emotions, many of which can be described using but that one, prophetic word, "love". Terrible heights and profound lows are all apart of the journey that we call the human experience. It is not my intention to capture the whole meaning of our existence, but rather to share in the complex and ever-expanding dialogue by putting my heart on the page and into the arms of humanity. 
The instrumentation on this album intends to speak where words fail. The swell of the guitar in time with your breath, the rhythm of the percussion pumping in your veins and the harmonica crying out high above all support the messages without distorting the lyrics with excess sound. 
If I can reach one person, for one moment, and touch the very heart of that experience, then I am successful. 